Can I give my animal Benadryl® for allergies?
Yes. Both dogs and cats can be given Benadryl® or diphenhydramine for allergies, however, there are many other conditions that can cause your pet to be itchy. We recommend a physical exam before starting any over-the-counter medications.
Can I give my animal Tylenol® or Advil®?
No! Many over-the-counter pain medications that are safe for humans can be very toxic to dogs and especially for cats! Dogs and cats do not have the necessary enzymes to properly metabolize these medications and therefore the medicine builds up to toxic levels in their bloodstream.
How long can my pet go safely without eating?
There are many reasons that your pet may not feel like eating. These reasons can range from a simple tummy upset to very serious and life-threatening conditions. If your pet is refusing food and treats it is best to bring them in for a thorough examination to determine the underlying cause.
How cold or hot can the temperature get before my pet is in danger?
For a general rule-of-thumb, ask yourself if you would get too hot or cold if you were outside while wearing appropriate clothing. Regardless of the temperature, ensure your pet has access to water and shelter at all times. During cold weather, make sure the water does not freeze. Also, you will need to refill the water dish more often during hot weather because animals will drink more and the water will evaporate.
What are the signs of heatstroke?
If your pet gets too hot, they can succumb to heatstroke. Early signs include panting, fast heart rate, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and depression. As heatstroke progresses signs include: severe respiratory distress, hemorrhages on the gums, collapse, seizures, confusion, bloody diarrhea, and bloody vomiting.
I think my pet is constipated, what should I do?
Although some animals do get constipated, other conditions can cause straining to defecate. In fact, diarrhea is more common and can appear very similar to constipation. If your pet is straining to defecate with no success, we recommend an examination to determine the cause.
Can I give my pet people food?
Yes. Many dogs enjoy green beans, carrots, celery, and sweet potatoes as treats. Boiled chicken breast and white rice can also be fed occasionally. Cats may enjoy canned tuna or chicken for a treat. We caution feeding your pet foods that are high in calories and fat as this can cause weight gain or other painful conditions such as pancreatitis.
When do I need to start vaccinating my puppy/kitten?
We recommend a series of vaccines for both puppies and kittens starting at 6-7 weeks of age. It is important to complete the series of vaccines to ensure your pet is thoroughly protected against all of the deadly or severely debilitating diseases.
What are heartworms?
Heartworms are actual worms that infect both dogs and cats through mosquito bites. When the mosquito bites your pet it injects microscopic larvae. These larvae spend the next 6 months traveling through connective tissues until they reach your pet’s heart. At this time, the larvae begin to reproduce and stay in the large vessels of the heart. Slowly over time, your pet will develop heart failure because their heart has to work much harder to pump blood past the worms. Heartworm disease can be treated but the treatment is a long process and can be very hard on your pet. We recommend heartworm prevention every 30 days for life to prevent this life-threatening disease.
How does heartworm prevention work?
Heartworm prevention is a medication that kills the heartworm larvae that are 30 days old or younger. If your pet has larvae that are older than 30 days, there is a chance the medication will not kill these larvae. Those older larvae can then continue on their journey to infecting your pet’s heart. This is why it is so important to give your pet heartworm prevention every 30 days routinely!
How long will it take my pet to recover from surgery?
This depends on the age and health status of your pet as well as the type of surgery performed. Young and healthy animals tend to recover more quickly from surgery when compared to older animals with other health concerns. It is important to not bathe your pet for 5-7 days after surgery so that the incision has time to form an adequate barrier or seal.
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