Pain Management

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The Latest Technology
Pain management has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years, and we take full advantage of these improvements when caring for your pet. In order to ensure your pet is as comfortable as possible, we require pain medication with all surgical procedures that may cause your pet pain during his/her recovery.
Multimodal Pain Management
We practice multimodal pain management. This means that we may use several different medications at one time in order to block various types of pain receptors. Providing appropriate pain management helps your pet heal faster and improves mobility and quality of life for older pets.
preemptive Pain Management
We also practice preemptive pain management, meaning we also treat for pain before your pet undergoes surgery. Studies show that patients treated before painful procedures have shorter healing times and fewer complications.
Laser Surgery
Laser surgery seals nerve endings and blood vessels. This reduces intraoperative bleeding, pain, and reduces swelling post operatively.
Conventional Surgery
Our well-trained and experienced veterinarians are capable of providing advanced orthopedic and soft tissue surgical services.
Have a question?
We are here to answer your questions, and help you make the best choices possible for your pet. Check out our FAQ page for a quick list of commonly asked questions, and find an immediate answer.
Become a client.
We can't wait to meet you and your pet! We encourage all new clients to learn more about our policies and fill out a new client form before your visit.